Share your air quality data publicly with OpenMap

Share real-time, accurate air quality data with your community through OpenMap to build trust, foster transparency, and drive meaningful environmental action. Empower your stakeholders with intuitive, localized insights to protect their health and keep them informed about their environment. By bridging the gap between your organization and the community, OpenMap transforms data into real-time air quality information and actionable knowledge.

OpenMap visualizes PM2.5 and NO2 Air Quality Index (AQI) data from Clarity's rigorously calibrated Node-S air quality sensors alongside government reference monitors.

Explore the Clarity OpenMap

Two ways to share your air quality data publicly

At Clarity, we believe in transparency and accessibility. That’s why OpenMap Basic is included free of charge with Sensing-as-a-Service, enabling you to share your air quality data on our Clarity-branded map at no additional cost. For organizations looking to amplify their impact, OpenMap Plus offers enhanced features, including customizable branding, while remaining completely free for the public to access.

Regardless of whether you choose Basic or Plus, sharing your sensor data is always optional — your data, your choice. And rest assured, there is never any cost to community members or end-users to access air quality data on either OpenMap Basic or OpenMap Plus.

OpenMap Basic

We value open data and transparency, which is why OpenMap Basic will always be free to our Sensing-as-a-Service customers.

Your data on the global Clarity air quality map

Real-time air quality data updated hourly

Simple embedding options for public websites

Real-time air quality widget builder

Effortlessly share live data to social media

User-selectable AQI options (coming soon)

OpenMap Plus

Take control of your air quality data with enhanced features and custom branding to show your organization's commitment to clean air.

Everything included in OpenMap Basic

Bespoke map focused entirely on your data

Custom branding to highlight your organization

Modifiable AQI-based health recommendations

Email alerts when air quality gets unhealthy

Data download widget for students and scientists

Expert engineering support for web integrations

Self-service configuration tools (coming soon)

OpenMap Basic: Easily share your air quality data publicly, at no additional cost

OpenMap Basic is our free platform designed to promote the transparency and accessibility of air quality data. Clarity customers always retain full ownership of their data, and air quality measurements will only be shared publicly if you choose to opt-in to public data sharing — whether it’s through OpenMap, or our open data partners like OpenAQ and the EPA. With a simple checkbox in the Clarity Dashboard, you can decide to share your sensor data on Clarity’s global OpenMap, empowering communities and researchers with open air quality data. Embed the map on public websites so your stakeholders can track trends with real-time and historical AQIs updated hourly — all in an easy-to-use, intuitive format.

Features of OpenMap Basic:

Full ownership of your air quality data, whether or not you share it publicly

Share your air quality measurements on Clarity’s global map

Share your data with open data partners like OpenAQ and the EPA

Use iFrame embedding to display live air quality data directly on public websites

Easily create custom, dynamic, live air quality widgets to embed on your website

Data is updated hourly to communicate real-time air quality conditions

Build trust with insights into data sources, AQI readings, and health recommendations

OpenMap Plus: Create a custom air quality map for your organization

OpenMap Plus lets you take control of how you showcase your air quality data with advanced customization options and branding tailored to your organization. Build a custom map bounded to your network and focused on your air quality data. Unlock powerful tools like custom AQI health recommendations, data download for citizen scientists and researchers, email notifications for your community, and engineering support for seamless integrations. With OpenMap Plus, you’re in control of how your data makes an impact.

Features of OpenMap Plus:

Access all the features of OpenMap Basic, plus exclusive enhancements

Add your organization’s branding and logo for a professional, tailored look

Focused data presentation with a map tailored specifically to your network

Choose which country’s AQI to display and which pollutants to show or hide

Opt-in email notifications keep your audience informed of air quality changes

Empower users with the ability to download air quality data directly from your map

Access expert assistance for seamless integrations and advanced setup

Configure and manage your map with intuitive customization tools (coming soon)

Contact Clarity for OpenMap Plus pricing

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how OpenMap Plus can benefit your project.

Built for frictionless air quality data access

Why Sensing-as-a-Service℠ for air pollution monitoring?

No separate software purchase. No add-on warranties. No unexpected expenses. With one upfront service, we’re giving you the affordability, flexibility, and autonomy to eliminate all of your air quality blind spots.

Hardware -

Easily deployed air monitoring devices

Self-powered Clarity Node-S air quality monitoring hardware measures PM2.5 and NO2 and serves as a platform for additional modules that measure Wind, Black Carbon, and Ozone.

Explore our devices
Clarity's user friendly air quality management dashboard - Learn more

Cloud data management & visualization

Air quality measurements and air sensor network status are easily accessible in real-time via Clarity’s user friendly Dashboard, REST API, and OpenMap.

Learn more about Clarity Cloud
Dedicated Environmental Project Manager to help you with your Air Quality Management project. Learn more.

Expert air quality project support

Meet our team

An experienced Environmental Project Manager to help you define a project plan and guide you through Collocation and Calibration of your devices.

Can’t find the resource you need?

Contact Clarity