Air Quality Sensor Bootcamp

Air Pollutants & Air Sensors 101

Air Sensor Bootcamp - Fundamentals - progress bar

Meet your instructor

Jack Kodros, Air Quality Data Scientist
Jack Kodros
Air Quality Data Scientist
Clarity Movement
Learn the basics of air pollutants and air quality sensor technology. In this session, you will learn about the different types of air pollutants, how they impact human health and the environment, and the types of air quality measurement equipment available.

Watch course #1

Complete the homework assignment #1 below

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Note — you can submit the homework assignments one at a time. You do not need to attach all 3 homework assignments to submit the form — you can return to this form at a later time to submit future homework assignments.

Additional resources

Best practices from air monitoring in 70+ countries

Clarity has deployed thousands of air quality sensors worldwide.
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Successful Ambient Air Quality Sensors Network