Our Quality Control (QC) Assessment and QC Flags features, previously available on the Clarity Dashboard, are now fully integrated into our Air Monitoring API and historical air quality data report downloads in the Clarity Dashboard.
Low-cost sensors can be used in a wide range of different air quality monitoring projects, either alone or in conjunction with reference-grade air quality monitors.
Communicating air quality data in an effective, actionable way is an essential part of using air quality data to enact policy and behavioral change to improve the air.
As our Environmental Project Manager, Katie Moore works closely with community and environmental justice groups to ensure the success of Clarity’s air quality monitoring networks.
An increasing number of platforms are enabling open access to air quality data, which is important for increasing public awareness and supporting air improvement initiatives.
Our webinar panelists share insights on how to best face the challenges that come with deploying low-cost sensors in urban environments and leverage them in hybrid networks.